Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cop or Abutment

Why does nearly every administration get itself involved in a war it can't win? Is it the same impulse that goads a kid, after he's scrimped and saved to buy his first car, to take her out on the highway to see how fast she'll go? He'll never consider any possible speed bumps, like a cop or a bridge abutment. His parents know he's gonna do it and pray the cop will get to him first.

John's right, Pakistan is a disaster already. It's been a disaster since the partition. Now it's likely to be Obama's disaster as well. What I'd like to know is who gives them the guns? Who arms the Taliban? I'm sure that Sam could give me an answer - but I wouldn't necessarily believe him. Anybody?

If we would know that much, we could work on drying up their seemingly endless supply of arms and explosives. Don't tell me it's Iran? If it's true, it should be easy. Why, Obama could go over to Tehran and talk to the mullahs and ask them to stop being naughty. He could present himself as the 12th imam. He could prove it by personally pulling the trigger on Israel. They would have to believe him then. ...and the war would be over.

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