Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Fresh Sailing

Peter Koelliker replied to comment from John Brown of Kanzas | May 14, 2009 5:18 AM | Reply
John Brown - I know there are Republicans/Conservatives with fire in the belly out there. Unfortunately they're not in Washington. There must be something in DC's water that neuters them. We're a people with a great ideology that lacks a human face. “A swirling mass of grays and blacks and whites” just won’t do anymore. We need a leader! We allow ourselves to get sucked into pointless debates about torture; abortion; presidential IQ’s, even. In the meantime, we totally miss the larger point - like, ‘Is Socialism right for America?’
We’re just as likely to turn on our own and drag them through the mud, happily casting them from our ranks for the Dems to resurrect as straw dogs every time they see themselves as falling behind. The Dems never waste bullets on their own. They’ve even been known to rehabilitate their fallen. Is it any wonder that good people with strong conservative leanings are reluctant to enter the fray where it counts?
I dare say, if Rush or Levin, Hannity (or any of them) were to run for political office, they would win. Yet we dismiss them; we’re ashamed of them. Why? Precisely because we know they could win. We’re basically afraid of winning; of actually taking the reigns. Iraq was no different. Ditto, Vietnam. We fear the press. We so afraid about what Whoopi or Katie might say. We think we couldn’t survive should Britney decide to move to France. Better to just sit this one out and, when elections come around again, say, “I told you so,” from the proverbial armchair sidelines.
Well, we all know it won’t work this time. The donkeys have the elephants sewn up in body bags. It’ll take a hell of a lot more to bust them out than a full-blown depression. But, get real for a moment. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
It’s bound to happen, of course. It always does. The puzzle now facing us is whether or not someone will step forward and take decisive charge before a war comes and clears the decks in preparation for a fresh sailing.

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