Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Antichrist Is Alive and Well

Everyone with half a brain can see that Barrack Obama is leading us down the garden path to socialism or worse. Some people have become so concerned that they have sought to organize tea parties, town hall confrontations with their elected representatives, and street protests. Yet, at least half the American population remains unconvinced. These include some of our most highly educated, most talented and most successful citizens. Why?

We might argue that the privileged among us also tend to be blinded by their privilege. They may be so wrapped up in academic theory as to be unable to see the signs that the perhaps less highly bred are able to recognize instinctively. We tend to dismiss animals as being stupid. Yet when the tsunami hit the east coast of India in 2004, it was the curious (humans) who got sucked out to sea while the stray dogs living on the beaches headed inland as fast as their spindly legs could carry them, well in advance of the sea returning in the form of a great, destructive wave. Similarly, those who consider themselves ‘educated’ - and more often than not ‘Godless’ - have lost their intimacy with the world at large, preferring instead to perpetuate their incestuous relationship with like-minded, self-actualized academic elites while ignoring the warnings quite obvious to everyone else.

I count myself among the masses, the salt of the earth (if you will). I’ve always held blue collar jobs and worked closely with immigrants and minorities whose main focus it was to put food on the table for their families. They’d heard about ‘global warming’ but never gave it much thought. Neither did they give much thought to world affairs or to politics in general. If asked, they would say they favor Democrats over Republicans.

Since Obama has been in office, things have gotten decidedly worse for them. Many are now subsisting on some type of government handout; others have gone back home. Still they tend to blame Republicans, capitalism and democracy (in that order) for their problems – this, largely due to the unrelenting propaganda spewed by the mainstream media targeting Republicans, capitalism and democracy for the past 50 some odd years. Curiously, even with their self-appointed savior, Barrack Obama, now at the helm of the most powerful nation on earth, they tend to exhibit a distinct lack of optimism.

There are of course many who know exactly what’s wrong and are able to articulate it. Talk radio has become the vortex of the opposition to the new president and his radical agenda. The hosts are smart, articulate and passionate. Their listeners have become a significant – albeit under-reported - factor in American politics.

Despite a Herculean effort to marginalize the conservative position, the movement appears to be gaining momentum. The government is now working on strategies by which they would be able to take talk radio off the air. No doubt, they will succeed at some point, citing some academic construct intended to illustrate some inequity.

Even as eyes and minds are being opened as to the nature of the government scam that is being hoisted upon Americans, there are still enough intelligent, well-meaning burghers who support Obama’s agenda. They might even know that the ultimate outcome is some version of socialism, but this also seems to be quite okay with them.

Conservatives, who have consistently been raising the alarm to the threat of socialism, are at wit’s end. The word ‘socialism’ itself does not seem to scare people anymore. Maybe they have forgotten their history: the Berlin Wall; Communist Eastern Europe; the Soviet Union; gulags; re-education centers; ovens, Cambodia; Cuba; etc. No matter how vocal we may be with respect to the dangers of socialism, many simply brush it off, denying it is so or, worse, accepting it as inevitable despite virtual volumes of historical documentation pointing to failure upon horrendous failure in terms of human degradation and suffering under such perverse governance.

The failure of our argument against socialism may stem in part from how we are framing it. People who still continue to view socialism as panacea are not likely to look back to understand what has happened in the past. Instead, they are looking to the future. It is there that they perceive a threat much more compelling than the mere surrender of individual liberties: the destruction of the earth itself.

Throughout history, people have been predicting the end of the world. Various causes were cited; various predictions made. Alarms were raised concerning over-population; pandemic; meteor strikes; decline in moral standards; Y2K; etc. Groups that espoused such bizarre ideas were generally considered fringe cults. So far, none of these predictions have materialized.

Today, the big scare is ‘global warming’. It has now become general knowledge that ‘global warming’ is occurring and that mankind, specifically America, is the cause. We are told it would lead to untold ecological and social disasters unless something is done to reverse it. Every child attending school in America may graduate without necessarily knowing the multiplication tables or even how to read the diploma handed to them at graduation, but all have been made indelibly aware of the threat of ‘global warming’. They have been made to feel that they themselves are to blame for polar bears drowning in the Arctic Sea as well as for any natural climate-related disaster. They’ve been made to feel guilty for wars, food shortages or any other social failings anywhere on the planet.

It’s no wonder that all this saturation scare mongering has had an impact. Now we feel compelled to look to anyone who can promise redemption – a way to save the planet as well as ourselves – no matter what must be sacrificed to appease the earth (mother) who has turned angry and threatens to withhold her patronage. This represents a throw-back to when the concept of religion first gained traction.

Socialism, the willing suspension of personal freedoms, is but a small price to pay for the guarantee of seamless continuance. And that is why so many off us are willing to take the unprecedented risk of embarking on an experiment whose proponents are arrogant enough to claim certain absolution for previous sins knowingly or unknowingly committed. Jihad suicide bombers labor under similar delusion.

The lesson learned is that we all are all religious, whether we admit it or not; that the Antichrist is alive and well, forever vigilant and prepared to take advantage of our human weakness ultimately to ensnare us in his diabolic schemes.


  1. What if it isn't socialism? or even communism? What if it is simply corruption? A vast, venal, multi-level organization that has no intention of correcting injustices but seeks simply to control everything.

    Forget history. The word "socialism" today HAS virtually no impact in the U.S. Most Americans don't know socialism from nihilism from antidisestablishmentarianism.

    But... they do know organized crime when they see it. A whole generation has grown up on Godfather sequels. Where most Americans are generally uninterested in political drama, they love crime themes (note, the "West Wing" went off the air and was replaced with multiple variations of CSI). You give them crime, really bad guys to root against and an ass-kicking hero and they'll rally. We've got plenty of organizational crime going on to point out... we're just a little short of heroes at the moment.

    If people think they are being "screwed" by this corrupt administration, they'll react a lot differently than if they think they are being seduced.

  2. Good point! I attempted to take your argument into account on Batchelor's blog this morning.
