Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Wave

Slowly, surely, JB is coming 'round. He acknowledges the 'wave' of discontent sweeping the nation. He doesn't quite see all of it yet. He still argues Republicans vs. Democrats. He doesn't yet quite appreciate the power of that 'wave'; that it will sweep away Republicans and Democrats alike; that we have already entered a new paradigm.

The real anger in this country is directed at Republicans. Everybody knows that the Dems are a bunch of crazed political jihadis. Republicans, however, have clearly betrayed us. Whenever they have had power, they've frittered away their advantage; they've happily conceded too much for nothing in return (except, perhaps, for a neutral mention in the disgraced NYT).

JB doesn't yet get that both parties are dead; that the Democrat Party has become the plaything of maggots and jackals; that Republicans are just barely breathing and on life support. Both parties will be swept away in the storm that we can no longer avoid.

From now on the parties will be known by their proper names. The Dems will be known as the ‘American Socialist Alliance’. The new name for the Republicans is yet to be determined. (‘The Freedom Party’, ‘The Constitution Party’, ‘The Conservative Party’ all are excellent names.) The new center-right party already has the support of the most powerful force in America: its people.

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