Thursday, September 3, 2009

Scratching at the Surface

Word on the street has it that any version of any health care bill must be stopped now! Furthermore, any bill (cap and trade; immigration, climate, stimulus, etc.) proposed by this administration must be regarded as a Trojan horse, designed to promote anti-American principles. Due to the diligence shown by 'burlesque queens' like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin in gathering evidence marking many of the president's closest advisers as out and out communists - interested primarily in bringing about the redistribution of all wealth, reparations, the acquisition of immutable political power, and the elimination of the private sector; using social upheaval to effect a total reordering of society to resemble that of a Marxist state - suspicion of a conspiracy has leaked out. There are now enough Americans who do not trust this president's motives.

Hold-outs include those who have not yet brought themselves to see beyond the traditional rivalry between Democrats and Republicans, who refuse to accept that the Democrat Party has been hijacked by far Left elements and, as such, no longer represents any semblance of American values. Hold-outs also include those still wedded to Washington's political chess game and view it as masturbatory amusement or as an opportunity to sharpen and practice their cynical wit.

Even those who have connected the dots continue to snipe at colleagues perceived as rivals in the ratings race. I cannot for the life of me understand why Mark Levin, for example, continues to disparage both Beck and Savage when all three of them are essentially reading from the same page. We cannot continue effectively if we insist on bloodying our own.

JB too, is often heard making light of talk radio. Why? Is he not a part of it? I remember the days when JB himself used to announce his show as 'conspiracy radio'. He would spend endless segments on the vagaries of Bill Clinton's rascally brother, suggesting that this would bring the Clinton presidency down. There were so many scandals brewing in those days and JB was up to his neck in each comedic episodic farce.

Now, suddenly, here's a legitimate tragedy - conspiracy, if you wish. It involves no less than the dismantling of the very essence of our nation and the Constitution on which it is based. And all we hear is that talk radio sucks; Republicans suck; tea baggers suck. What's up with that, John? These appear to be the very people and groups who will need our support if we are to have any chance of fighting this menace.

I know you know what's at stake. I know you only report open source. I know you know much more than you can say. I know you know what's happening. Why are you only scratching at the surface?

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