Tuesday, February 2, 2010


What has become clear over the past year is that Barack Hussein Obama does not like America. That, more than anything, troubles Americans. Mistakes made due to inexperience, or even ineptitude, would have been easily excused by an inherently forgiving public. No one is under the illusion that POTUS is easy work. He would have been forgiven even a dalliance with interns had he shown even minimal respect for America and its hallowed institutions.

Instead he has consistently shown utter disregard for the documents of America’s founding and modeled himself after the commonest banana republic dictator as he continues to push for policies that go hard against the grain of American ideals and principles.

Disappointment” is not the proper word for what America is feeling right now. “Scared” is far more appropriate. People are scared that he will actually succeed in bringing down the house. They have already begun to question his motives. His budget is just the latest example. It is clearly designed to destroy what’s left of the fiscal integrity of our nation.

Whereas Obama has been roundly applauded oversees, at home he has already overstayed his welcome. The people are desperate to elect a congress that will curb his appetites. …and no doubt they will. They hope it will not come too late. Even overseas they look at him with deepening suspicion. No one has the stomach to watch a nation commit suicide in public – especially if that nation has had the distinction of being the leader of the free world. Even our traditional adversaries are concerned as they are now suddenly and unexpectedly confronted by a reality that only their wildest rhetoric could have invented.

No, John! Disappointment can only be attributed to those few among us who have been advocating for America’s demise ever since the Berlin wall came down – those miserable, self-loathing, ivory–tower hypocrites who will never be happy until they see innocent blood flowing on America’s streets. For them America can never be forgiven for having had the audacity to reach for the sky. In this way, they approximate Iran’s mullahs, those there in power who would welcome a sanguine cleansing to usher in their global Caliphate. Our own 20 per centers want the same, except they call it ‘revolution’ (to usher in some implausible communist Utopia).

These are interesting times indeed: identical upheavals in different parts of the world – each one quite probable within most of our lifetimes. It’s a horse race now. Curiously, should one succeed, it is likely to forestall the other. Who will be the one to escape the apocalypse? Or will these actions coordinate for maximum effect? Stay tuned. The four horsemen are coming ‘round the last turn.

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