Friday, February 19, 2010

Flowers: Back Street Girl

Reflections on the Dalai Lama's visit to the White House (entering and leaving by the backdoor):

There are those who wonder whether or not there will be repercussions from this little courtesy call. China is losing face. China does not like losing face. In Asia, losing face is everything. China will retaliate.

It does not matter that the Dalai Lama was asked to enter and leave by the back door where the garbage is put out. China will retaliate. China can retaliate. With a mere whisper they can send our economy into a tailspin from which it can never recover.

That’s playing pretty fast and loose for this POTUS person; pretty bold move on his part. Why? We know, given his history and associations, that he cares nothing about ‘freedom of thought’ going anywhere. Just today it has become clear that Barack Hussein Obama does not give a tinker’s cuss about what Americans think. He plans on ramming his health care package down our throats anyway. We know that he never loses even a wink of sleep thinking about the long-suffering inmates of the gulag known as ‘Iran’. We can well imagine that one such as he cannot even find Tibet on a political map.

Why, then, this gesture, half-hearted as it is? Perhaps it is to provoke China into responding. Perhaps America’s economic collapse is his goal after all. Perhaps he envisions himself as the man who cleansed the world of its most despicable evil: the dollar, America’s single most powerful tool of oppression. Perhaps he wonders why it hasn’t happened already. God knows he’s tried harder than any man to send it over the edge. Maybe he thinks with a little spiritual help from the Dalai Lama he’ll be able to get it done.

It’s odd to think that the Dalai Lama is consenting to being used in this way; odd to think that he’s unaware of his potential role in a saga in which so many will be hurt.

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