Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Will the Dollar Hold?

Well stated, Mr Doakes. Your submarine analogy goes even further than what you are suggesting. I heard something in passing on Glenn Beck this morning. It’s positively chilling how long the Left has worked on pushing their agenda, not just on America, but also the world. On the surface, the hook they use is the promise of eternal peace. The ‘peace movement’ was the forerunner of the ‘global warming’ hoax. It got traction because the ‘absence of war’ has always been a worthy, if unattainable, goal for any thinking people. Yet, war seems to be hard wired into the protocol of global politics. It is the only remedy for when differences in the expectations of diverse populations become insurmountable. In the end, you once again have a level playing field in the shared memory of the horrors of war and kindled a desire to once again begin working together and compromise for the common immediate need to reconstruct some sense of stability. Note that many of the arguments we are currently having preclude compromise. This is dangerous and can only result in the unthinkable.

Even though this seems to be how the fabric of the human community is structured with its predictable cycle of horrors seemingly woven in, liberal and progressive think tanks have been busy working up schemes whereby the continuum of natural human history can be distorted to eliminate certain inconvenient truths: war, for instance. So, it was thought that by linking the world’s economies into an unbroken chain, no population would ever again risk a tear in this now single bolt of fabric. We’ve seen much of Europe, for example, choosing a single currency with which to conduct business. We see the ME oil producing nations advocating for a single petro-dollar. We see the Asia-Pacific rim contemplating something along the lines of what Europe has done. All the while, the U.S. dollar has been the unofficial standard of world currency.

This is like your analogy to the air-tight chambers of a submarine. If the world were to adopt a single currency – a single economic system – to bring all countries under the same umbrella as the globalist envisions, there would be no more chambers; no way to close the hatches. A rogue nation like Zimbabwe could be the tear that renders the entire cloth useless.

Will the dollar hold? Will we be able to forestall world-wide financial Armageddon? It’ll all depend on (and I keep coming back to this) whether or not we are willing to admit mistakes and hold people accountable. Without this, the system simply fails and no one is at fault. While pains are taken to discover whether a church or house fire is accidental or deliberate, we seem to be unconcerned as to the source when it comes to an attack on our financial systems.

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