Monday, February 22, 2010

Holding Our Collective Breath

I am confused by John's use of the word "powerful". How can one who is considered "powerful" be "thrown under the bus"? Could anyone have imagined Bush throwing Cheney under the bus for any reason?

Admittedly, there are (what are commonly referred to as) the “levers of power” of which the Obama administration appears to be in full control. These, however, have ceased to be connected to anything substantial. They are merely there to animate the skeletal remains of some long-buried East German trope. Without active involvement and support of the public, all this Washington posturing and horse trading means nothing. And polls show that a full 80% of the American people are either distrustful or categorically opposed to where the party in (so-called) ‘power’ is taking us.

Obama, as leader of that party, may succeed (third-world, Noriega-style) in greasing the skids toward some kind of Marxist brand of socialism. In the process, he may even be tempted to congratulate himself for having destroyed America’s productive private sector; democracy itself; discredited history, capitalism; doomed accomplishment and freedom of expression while promoting mediocrity and failure in the name of ‘social justice’. But he would be fooling himself.

The reason all these uniquely American traits seemingly lie dormant just now is not because of what Obama has contrived but because of our own free will we’ve put on the brakes and are holding our collective breath - not in a nod to environmentalism, but - in protest of Obama’s outrageous anti-American policies. Once Obama has been disposed of in the trash bin of history, you will see all that America holds precious come roaring back to life even stronger and more vital than it has been in years.

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