Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Do Not Let Them Do It!!!

Some years ago, I found myself sitting on a palm-fringed beach somewhere in Indonesia. A storm was developing out at sea. I watched it gathering; gaining strength. It was headed my way. The women that walked past me in groups at irregular intervals, with baskets or jars on their heads, increased their pace and headed for the thatched-roof huts that dotted the coast. I was too far away from anywhere. All I could do was hunker down, dig my fingers into the sand and await the onslaught.

I feel a little like that now. Oh, it’ll come alright. The Left has been playing us like violins. They’ve turned us into Pavlov’s dogs. First they got us to hate Bush; then they got us to elect Obama (no questions asked). Then they got us to swallow all the garbage this president has so carelessly thrown into the trough over the past year. Where is it going? When will it end?

The only reason I can think of for why this administration would inflict on us another contentious issue right on the heels of the health care debate is to get us even more upset. The strategy seems to be pay-back – for what? Being Americans? The plan is, I am convinced, to keep jabbing us until we snap. Already, Homeland Security has classified us as more dangerous than Islamic terrorists. Increasingly, state-controlled media is beginning to air mostly unsubstantiated reports of violent behavior. It appears coordinated and minutely calculated, so that when something happens, it’ll be blamed on us. Who threw that brick through the window of the Democrat headquarters in… wherever? Was it one of ours or was it one of theirs? The press will assume it was one of ours and run with it. Who shouted that slur (that, incidentally, nobody else heard) at the Democrat legislator? Who put that sign up along the highway?

With immigration reform in the offing, you can be sure that Obama himself will be out there flipping the race card. Things can only get worse.

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT let them get their way! Do not resort to violence of any kind – ever! When you attend rallies, bring your cameras and cell phones. Should you witness a disturbance, film it; take pictures. Chances are good that any disturbance that erupts will have been started by them. With your pictures, we can prove it.

Gandhi and MLK proved that one can move political mountains with non-violent protest alone. Countless others have fallen on their swords trying to prove otherwise.

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