Sunday, March 21, 2010

Limbaugh-Palin in '012

ABC News is reporting that the Dems have the votes to pass the health care bill later tonight. What I’m going to say next will likely be seen as controversial by some of you. I don’t care. I’m through ‘pussyfooting’ around. I think the reason we lost today is because we marched, because we jammed switchboards, because we wrote letters – in short, because we made our opposition known only by half measures. For the Left, what we have been (and are) engaged in is a war. For us it is just another in a long series of losing battles. We’re getting too used to losing. And with each loss, the Left grows stronger because we show our hand which continues to be wavering and weak.

The Left rejoices when it can showcase our weakness. For them, AQ and the Taliban deserve more respect than we do. How are we weak? Take our march on then Capitol yesterday. It never even made the news cycle. If mentioned at all, what was subsequently repeated (over and over again) was that some lawmaker had been spit on and another cursed out. Our ordinariness was pathetic; our helplessness, obvious; our demeanor sad-sack civil; impotent in the face of what they perceive to be their power: brand Obama at the helm.

We betray our weakness at every turn. We react. We don’t lead. At the same time we allow those who would lead us to be besmirched. We deny them. We belittle them. We compete amongst ourselves as to who can say the nastiest, most sarcastic things about them. This one’s just a talk show host; a burlesque queen. That one’s from Hicksville, somewhere up in hick Alaska. I never heard anyone on the left having a problem with Byrd, Franken, O’Donnell, Penn and the rest – or even with Obama himself who, truth be told, is just a two-bit, rabble-rousing hood out of Chicago. We never even got to see Obama’s papers because we were too busy digging through Sarah Palin’s underwear drawer.

I still hear quite frequently (from our side) Bush referred to as the worst there ever was – as if Obama is better. I hear from our side Palin labeled ‘stupid’ - as if Biden were a genius. We still deny that we listen to Rush, Beck, Savage, Levin, etc. when challenged. Though, honestly, has anything any one of these men ever said been untrue? You know yourselves that they’ve been right on target. Yet we constantly deny them and treat them as if they don’t really exist, other than in some attic crawl space in our uncommitted minds – like psycho’s mother. And the more we deny them, their views lose their impact. And all that’s left is a pitiful smattering of incoherent slogans on hand-painted signs on the National Mall.

We must come to realize that any leader who may be wanting to emerge to represent our side will become a target. We have shown time and time again that we will buckle and let them take him or her down. Hell, we’ll even assist! Numbers don’t help. We’ve got the numbers - and still we lose. Cull the herd. Get rid of the weak. Keep the strong. We’ve been killing off our strong. We cannot win without leaders. No army has ever won a war without a strong general. Limbaugh-Palin in 2012!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter. I'm a lurker on the JB Show website and saw your post there. Thank you for describing the shameful way self-conscious, overly-prim Republicans/conservatives treat those who robustly defend our cause. To quote Donald Rumsfeld, weakness is provocative.
