Friday, March 26, 2010

Packing It In

It is no secret that Obama wants out of the Middle East. It’s now just a matter of face saving. Politically, our adventures there have already run their course. There are no more political gains to be had by continuing. All the talk about Taliban held territory not being used to attack the U.S. mainland is just that. They wouldn’t be capable of doing it anyway. This doesn’t mean that we could now let our guard down and open Club Meds all over the Tora Bora. As long as Israel exists, the Middle East in general will remain a tinderbox.

The campaign to demonize and eventually to allow Israel to be overrun is already well underway. It is hoped that by giving the Arabs this victory, a lasting ‘peace’ will return to the region. There are signs that the Obama administration believes this too. It fails to take into account, however, that there are other rivalries in place and brewing within the Ummah itself that will keep the region unhinged for centuries to come. The point is that we will no longer be involved. Neither will our dependence on oil become an issue as, it is believed, we can just as easily buy what we need on the open market; from Russia or China who presumably will step into the vacuum.

As the nations of the world continue to give in to Arab demands, Israel will find itself increasingly alone and isolated. She will be pushed into the sea. Such will be the price of our profound indifference. It remains to be seen how history will judge us. Will we be able to live with our consciences so bruised beyond repair? Perhaps, in a generation or two when a conscienceless new order emerges from the ruins of the old - one, blissfully ignorant of the past - people will ask themselves how a race of men so disfigured and scarred can still be counted among the living; how it is possible for wounds, still bleeding so profusely, to no longer hurt.

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