Sunday, March 14, 2010

Finding the Entrance

I must posit here that we have all collectively entered a kind of perpetual motion machine. There is literally no end to it. It has no hallowed purpose. There is only continued violence simply for violence’s sake. In order to address the problem, we must examine how we got here. And, then, walk ourselves painstakingly back and hope of finding the entrance.

The temptation for us is to accept that it has always been this way. But that would be wrong. I remember vacationing in Kashmir on a houseboat on Dal Lake back in the early 70’s. Friends of mine traveled through Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq and reported having had a wonderful time. My senior year in high school, our class hosted two foreign exchange students – one from Germany and one from Afghanistan – both of whom became close friends. Something has changed in the meantime. It behooves us to define precisely what this is.

We might begin – as our president Obama has often suggested – that we confront all our enemies face to face in a room and ask them what it is they want. Islamists would say that they want all the unbelievers to abandon their 'evil' ways and submit to their concept of God. Communists would say they want a central governmental authority that would require everyone to submit to the dictates of a single all-powerful state. These in a nutshell are the demands of our enemies. The common bond between them is ‘submission’. Never mind (for now), that both these goals are unachievable and that, even if they were (achievable), all hell would soon break loose between whatever remains.

India has been declared an enemy by Pakistan only in the sense that Pakistani Islamists see her as having aligned herself with western values – democracy and capitalism. Both these concepts fall under the heading of ‘evil’ in the Islamic and communist lexicons. As both - the Islamic vision of the world as well as the communist vision - are in essence unattainable, the conflict must continue endlessly.

The pressure has been building on all parties to show results. The West is tired, and is quite prepared to submit in this, what has become a war of attrition. Obama’s election represents a capitulation to both communism and to Islam. However, a powerful backlash is presently building. The breach will come if and when Israel acts or falls. Expect all-out war. In war, reason stops. All that matters is survival.

How India ends up after all this depends on how the (I Ching) yarrow stalks happen to arrange themselves. America as she has been may disappear - or she may not. One thing is for certain, everyone will be greatly diminished. It’ll be the perfect time to start over.


  1. Hi, Peter--
    I have a suspicion Bachelor is censoring my comments on his page
    "Here we go again--JB trying to wrap his Manhattan brain around the expanse of the USA. I too would proudly label myself as a tea party person--hang out with a few, support the cause, give a few bucks, can't find much incorrect about what is generally said. it may not be apparent, but I am a fairly sophisticated, traveled, well read, completely "toothed", own one foreign and one American car, pay bills, did the big corp career, have and had several small businesses. JB's analysis of TP's is about as deep as Janet Napalitano's understanding of terrorism fomenting in Yemen.

    I don't know who this guy is; JB says he doesn't either and then goes on to generalize madly about the tea party movement. that's real depth of thought. If you're interested, do some homework outside the city limits; if not, be more circumspect--you're making a fool of yourself.

    I actually like the fact that the tea party movement has no slick front guy; I've know that is in fact a sure sign of more-of-same. I see it as actually juvenile to insist that a movement have a pretty face and facile tongue. And if you are the adversary, it is scary to know you don't know who the general is, is there a general in this army. Or, might we be actually seeing shared values, organic social movement, guerrilla political warfare." either that or his too busy to screen them.
    Anyway, here's what I posted today re Coffee or Tea.

  2. Nice post as always. I saw it earlier. I don't think JB is censoring any comments personally. He has some system that's doing it. If you continue to have problems get in touch with the site administrator, Nick Grace, He was very prompt in fixing me up (as well as Jim L.) and asked me to give out his e-mail to anyone who should need it.
