Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Skewed Hand

We're all aware of the double standard in the American media. We're all aware that they willfully engaged in anything that would serve to hurt the Bush administration. We know that they did anything they could to get Barack Hussein Obama elected. Their single most effective strategy was to turn Bush into an ogre. It worked. Bush became toxic. In a two-party political system there is only one alternative.

I happened to be in India during most of that time. If I hadn't been able to access various radio talk shows via the internet, I too would have thought that Bush was evil incarnate. The only media that makes it outside our borders is liberal media. Time and time again, people would ask me what I thought of America being in the grips of the most wrong-headed, stupid and incompetent administration in human history.

When Obama came on the scene, everyone (in India and elsewhere) believed that America had been restored to its former glory. And they still do. Indians are not so much affected by what happens in America. True, many of their sons and daughters are now finding themselves out of work and have had to return home. But all in all, any personal hardship suffered still seems to get blamed on the previous administration. And that appears to coincide with the template the liberal press is pursuing in America today.

Unlike overseas, where no alternative voices are heard, Americans have gotten wise. Major print media has seen tremendous declines in readership while liberal cable channels have seen significant declines in viewership as well. They would like to give the impression that these trends are merely due to the inevitable upsurge in the usage of net-based media. This is of course bogus. There are only three reasons why the MSM has suffered such stunning public rejection: CONTENT; CONTENT and CONTENT.

All kinds of polls are allowed about presidential approval ratings, congressional approval ratings; consumer confidence; etc. The poll I have yet to see is the poll that measures media approval ratings. Though, one might say, that cratering subscription figures tell us all we need to know, it would still be nice to have it out there unambiguously in black and white: Media approval numbers rank lower than Congress’.

If any blame can be assigned to the sorry state in which we now find ourselves, it must be assigned to the media in this country. It is they who have played the skewed hand in all of this. Democrats will be Democrats; Republicans will be Republicans; liars will be liars; corruption is corruption. It is up to the media to sort it all out. They have failed us.

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