Sunday, February 13, 2011

CPAC blah, blah, blah...

McCotter has it exactly right. He gets it. Unfortunately, nobody is listening. Or, those who are listening have nothing to say about what our government is presently doing. Actually, there’s now a consensus in this country on a wide range of issues. The problem is that the tail continues to wag the dog.

You mean to say that passing Obamacare was a good idea? No. I do believe hardly anyone agrees with it - especially the people in the health care field. Yet, it was shoved through in a nasty, unconstitutional way, and now we’re apparently stuck with it. There’s virtually no chance of repeal. Republicans will try, but will run into so much static; it almost won’t be worth the effort. Same with every other bill that has become law during the Obama administration’s first two years in office.

Even after it came out that ‘global warming’ was a hoax, Obama and Democrats are still pushing their ‘green’ agenda. Gas is now well above $3.00 a gallon. (I believe they want it to go up to around five.) Food prices are rising. U.S. debt is rising. Internationally, dominos are falling… It’s all going to hell in a hand basket, much of which, despite what anybody says, is the direct result of our current administration‘s policies. It would now take but a feather to knock us down and out for good.

What is our government’s response? More of the same. Everything is fine. Prosperity is just around the corner. Voices, like McCotter’s are routinely ignored, discredited and marginalized by our own media. Any attempt to fix things is continually upstaged by events, sidetracked amid the din of ever escalating crisis.

There’s little chance of making headway now and for at least the next two years. By that time, it could well be over for us.

This winter alone, we’ve had to dig our cars out of snow banks no less than three times already. This was even before we could make it out into the street. Each time took longer to set things right. It wasn’t impossible. But each time the city plows passed by, they managed to throw even more snow into our driveway.

So too it is with a government seemingly determined to diminish our once great nation. We ought to be doing more than just make speeches. ‘Organizing For America’ (emphasis on ‘organizing’) still seems to be the only game in town. The rest is just endless talk about polls, put-downs, and ratings. Truly, I don’t see how we can last another two years, much less six.

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