Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Somebody's House I Burning...

The president’s budget proposal yesterday confirms every negative charge that has ever been leveled against his leadership: he’s not serious; he’s stupid; he doesn’t grasp the gravity of his office; he’s actively trying to run this country into the ground. It all amounts to the same thing for us.

We all know we have a problem, and we know that Obama himself is somehow at the center of it. The house is on fire. We don’t know how much of it can be saved, but we also know that the longer we wait, the less is our chance of saving anything. Luckily we were able to get the family out. Our three dogs and the cat are still inside. Now we wait…

The fire department has been contacted but, due to budget cuts, the trucks must come all the way from neighboring South Fulton. Then there’s the matter of having argued about the fire service subscription fee (on top of our regular property tax) that S. Fulton demanded. Not sure if my wife ever wrote the check.

The trucks do arrive, but remain parked down the block. The men disembark but do nothing but watch. They claim they don’t have the authority to intercede. So, why the hell did they come in the first place? (Ditto, Republicans.)

It would make for some juicy headlines around the country. People were angry. There were red faces all around and heads flew. But we lost our house and most everything in it nonetheless.

So too, we now argue about why Obama is not leading our nation. The people who think he’s doing it deliberately currently have the edge. The ones who think he’s only stupid, though, seem insistent on making it a matter of pride to prove their point. The two factions are fighting it out on the lawn outside while our house (with no cats in the yard) is burning to the ground.

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