Saturday, February 5, 2011


“This gas pipeline sabotage is an effective marker for the potential of much worse ahead.”

The game is a whole lot bigger than we are being told. And cut it out already with the ‘surprised' act! This has been in the works since Obama got elected - even before. It’s the reason Obama got elected in the first place. Obama could be counted on to go along with it - all of it. McCain would have only gone so far.

So, now we’re surprised. You don’t say! What the hell do we do now? Didn’t see that one coming - balderdash! - all of it. I’ll tell you who didn’t see it coming: we the people. Why? Because we’ve been lied to from the beginning. And we tried our best to believe. Nobody could be that evil, after all.

The whole thing is about Israel. We better start finding a new place for all those people to live before they’re all slaughtered. I don’t really understand all the animus against the Jews. Maybe it’s got something to do with the archaic idea of sacrifice. And maybe there’s really nothing to understand. We’re not dealing with rational minds here. They’ve even told us - over and over again. And, while we don’t quite agree, we sweep it under the rug and pretend everything is fine. - My ass, everything is fine!

What’s coming will make Rwanda seem like nothing. It’s in motion now. It’s coming together. And the world says nothing. Afterwards we’ll say, “What the hell happened?”

Time to put an end to it, NOW! But who will lift a finger? I still say the Chinese will make a play, just to give the impression that they weren‘t in on it. But I don’t think they really care either way. The only ones who could have stopped it early on were the Americans. But now, that Obama holds the reigns, we’ll let it happen. And after it’s over we’ll let Obama make speeches and wash his black hands. “Never again!” he’ll say, remembering something he had read somewhere in passing.

You’re damn right I’m pissed!

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