Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fooled in Korea (and again)

POTUS will not comment on Tehran. I remember Madeleine Albright's visit to North Korea where she raised a toast to 'Dear Leader', while ‘Dear Leader's’ masses were out eating tree bark. She came away with a signed agreement which she waved for the press - all smiles. They reported it as a diplomatic triumph for Clinton. Meanwhile, everybody knew that the ‘Dear Leader's’ masses were either starving or in prison, or both.

Albright also made a statement to the effect that she believed that she didn't think it was right for the U.S. to be the only super power. It didn't get much press at the time because reporters simply loved Clinton no matter what he did. Besides, it reflected their own moral equivalent thinking. They’d been taught that the U.S. is basically a rogue nation with way too much influence in the world.

Was it a weariness that overcame them (the media) along with 52.7% of us? Was it self-loathing? Revenge? Guilt? We will never know. But now we've come full circle. Obama is on course to literally destroy America. I've been wondering why every single one of his pronouncements and policies – without exception - serves to drive America deeper and deeper into the ground. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. There must be a plan.

Madeleine Albright's visit to N. Korea gave me my first inkling that something was very wrong in the Democrat camp. The only way she could have toasted the murderers was by thinking of herself as one of them - an elitist for whom plain folks don't count. The only thing that matters is that you're in the (leadership) club. Protect the club's members at any cost. Maintain the status quo.

No, Mr. Obama is not a Marxist. That would be an insult to Marxists. He's an elitist mole who's been sent to castrate America – to destroy its spirit, sap its strength, close its openness, vilify its goodness and curb its willingness to speak out for the oppressed - so that the elitist bullies can continue bullying. He is banking (on) that, by delivering the lifeless corpse of our once great nation to them on a silver platter, he'll be awarded the elitist Nobel (enslavement for peace) Prize and, at the same time, getting his revenge on a country he and those around him have always hated with more passion than we have ever loved her.

Good for him! We deserve it and more. We've become lazy, disinterested slugs. No wonder he - who likely is not even a citizen - was able to waltz all over us with mere platitudes. None of us was even remotely interested enough to demand proof of his citizenship. We just swore him in like we couldn't be bothered. ‘They’re all the same,’ we proclaimed cynically in an effort to appear wise. “We’re so tired of the red sofa; let’s get a black one instead.” We wanted change. We wanted to replace a ‘one’ with a ‘two’ just for the bloody hell of it. What we got was a ‘hundred’ (in the guise of some single digit number). Pulling the lever for Obama was like pulling the trigger on a loaded gun. I guess it’s the silencer that had us fooled.

1 comment:

  1. P.K., be wary of the "we deserve it" idea. It is the fuel for the Protestant based Leftist and their self induced guilt trips. Just like Martin Luther they are willing to whip themselves for atonement, but not just for their sins but also of their fathers and their country. Through their self flagellation we will all be absolved of our sins against the world and its inhabitants. Hell, our favorite Marquis and the Muslim fascist pale next to the Lefts enthusiasm for whipping others onto the self-righteous path of salvation. Strangely most liberal Dems seem to actually believe they are the party of personal freedom within society!...Just don't try to think, say or do anything.

    -Trolling for the Truth
