Thursday, July 30, 2009

What Choice Will We Have?

Remember when it was 'in' to call straight people 'breeders' - a derogatory term, designed to cast gays as a superior group. Now we're called 'birthers' - loonies; marginal; paranoid; deranged - just for wanting to make sure that POTUS is not president under false pretenses. Try to get on an airplane these days without a ticket. "Oh, I had it somewhere, for sure. I must have left it at home along with my passport. My bad…" Try to get into the FOX News Building without ID. If a cop stops you for something while you're driving, try saying, “Sorry officer, I left my license and registration at home. I do have an old insurance card here but I'm afraid it’s expired."

The paradigm has shifted over into the absurd when people are no longer willing to adhere to essential protocol. Obama is playing us like a Stradivarius. He’ll come up with a birth certificate alright – when he decides that the ‘birthers’ have built up enough steam. He’ll wave it triumphantly, grinning broadly from ear to ear while watching the hiss of the air escaping the argument – making us all look utterly ridiculous. John Galt (above) is right. It’ll be a fake.

It wouldn’t even be an issue if this guy didn’t have half the country seriously unnerved. People are beginning to realize they’ve made a mistake in electing him; they’re looking for a way out. With all that’s happened already, can you really blame them? The unease felt at the very grass roots of our nation is not the same we felt when Bush was in the White House. We knew the hatred was manufactured. We could laugh at all that was being said about him. No one’s laughing now.

Even RINOs are now reduced to betting the farm on the next election after which, they believe, all this stuff can be overturned. But so much of it will haunt us yet for generations. There will be no quick turn-around. Obama is now in the process of constructing an exoskeleton that is meant to circumscribe American values, procedures and institutions; one that is in direct conflict with all of these. It will smother the America we have known and (in Obama’s own words) ‘fundamentally change’ it.

Fast forward to the next election. Suppose the day finally arrives and there is only one name on the ballot. Or, suppose some kind of emergency is declared and elections are postponed altogether.

JB has pronounced the Republican Party dead. Pardon my asking, “What choice will we have?” I don't see anyone of Reagan's stature waiting in the wings of either party. We might just have to make do with Thaddeus.

Accuse me of viewing events with a jaundiced eye. But, as it stands, I cannot help viewing what is presently happening on the streets of Tehran as a harbinger of what may yet be in store for us. We can still avoid the worst of it. But in order to do so we must all start reading from the same page. As long as false hope prevails; as long as people are willing to hold their noses and wait; the longer we remain distracted and (especially) overwhelmed by the likes of Michelle, Michael Jackson and Henry Louis Gates, the tougher it’ll be to get our nation back.

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