Friday, July 31, 2009

Have a Good Summer

The summer of our discontent continues. No matter what happens in any and all the foreign places you mention (Georgia, Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, N.Korea, etc.), it will have little or no effect on us (USA) as we have pretty much given up standing for anything. There will be blood abroad as rascals will begin to take full advantage of America's new laissez faire attitude. None of it will directly affect us as the media will continue to toe the line and protect the president from accusations of timidness; incompetence and all the rest that could be said of a global non-leader.

The major action will play out here at home as Obama battles with poll numbers and teleprompters. The economy will continue its decline, in the face of which, spin will be king. Expect to see the word 'unexpected' a lot. The 'birther' movement (as it's called) will continue to gather momentum in the face of increasingly hysterical talking-heads ridicule.

And with that, I think I will follow Lou's example and take a hiatus, check out some flicks and catch up on my travel articles for By September, there should be fresh grist for the mill with the rubber stamp congress returning once again for the sole purpose of disrupting the lives of ordinary citizens.

Have a good summer. Be seeing you...

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