Sunday, July 19, 2009


The other day, just walking around the neighborhood, I stumbled upon a chariot from a local Durga temple that was being pulled through our local streets by an ox, accompanied by half a dozen musicians. The chariot itself contained the garlanded idol and a couple of Hindu priests tending a sacred flame. People came out of their houses to make offerings and receive blessings.

Like Shiva, the destroyer (of the Hindu trinity), Durga qualifies as quite a fearsome god(dess) in her own right. She is said to represent the fearsome voice of God. She rides on a (Steiff) lion and carries a trident sword.

The procession also featured a female oracle who danced and chanted in tongues. This colorful spectacle is called Thiruvizha here in Tamil Nadu. It is not an uncommon sight. Often, the narrow streets here become blocked by the chariot and the crowds that gather. The locals take it all in stride. It is an important part of their tradition and heritage. The Muslims too have ways of blocking the streets to traffic. Some see it as a tit for tat.

All this comes on the heels of when one of the readers (probably the only one) of my blog responded to my latest (somewhat hysterical) posting by saying that “Siva has to dance some time.” I quite agree. After all is said and done, the dance goes on. Even after we’ve been hobbled, we’ll still find a way to dance, even if only with our fingers. Life is infinitely more durable than death.

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