Monday, May 31, 2010

Passive Aggressive

BP is finished (maybe?). Even if BP succeeds in stemming the gusher, the Obama administration will see to it that the company ultimately goes out of business. BP has no incentive to do ‘the right thing’. In order to have even a chance of surviving as a viable entity, BP must do its utmost to bring the Obama administration down. BP and the Obama administration are adversaries.

BP can dick around till August and then go on to failure# 6, and all it will do is improve its own chances. Nobody will question BP’s passive aggression or competence because the Obama administration has already publicly announced that it alone is in charge; that it alone is telling BP what to do and what not to do; in other words, the Obama administration owns whatever happens.

We saw a similar deal go down during the Iranian hostage crisis. The Iranians ran rings around Carter for 444 days and made him look like a complete idiot. Once the new president was in place, all the nonsense stopped.

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard about this?
