Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cold Front Approaching

The problem with computer models designed to predict hurricanes, global warming, economic activity, etc. is three-fold. First, it is physically impossible to make any program complex enough to account for every factor that might have a bearing. Second, it is beyond man’s capability to determine the degree of effect any one influence has relative to any other. And, third, the initial selection of data points is purely subjective and often reflects the outcome that scientists (predictors) are predisposed to see.

Often an old man’s knee acting up in advance of bad weather is far more accurate than all of NOAA’s computer models put together. The science of weather prediction often rises to the very pinnacle of ridiculousness when just going over to the window and raising the shade would confirm that what the radio is saying at that very moment is nonsensical.

Some time ago, a huge buck with a lame leg parked itself for a few days under the Maple tree in our backyard. A female hovered nearby for the duration. After three days, the two of them left. The buck’s leg was presumably sufficiently mended without intrusive medical intervention. Presumably too, the couple stayed together without the benefit of a marriage license or the sanction of any formally ordained third party.

I have seen cancers healed by the application or ingestion of natural ayurvedic herbs along with vocal incantations and, above all, time. I have also seen the organs of others destroyed by radiation treatments. This is not to say that the ancient medical arts do not have their limitations. People still tend to die when their time comes. Yet, I will never question an old man’s prediction as he complains about the pain in his joints which he has learned is the invariable precursor to a cold front approaching.

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