Saturday, May 29, 2010

Too Many Accidents

Mike – You seem to accept that the Gulf spill was an accident. I’ve seen or heard nothing so far that would explain what actually happened. There have been too many 'accidents' lately: the election of Obama for one; the collapse of the housing market for another; banking; the continuing collapse of the economy; errant stock market gyrations, and now Deepwater Horizon.

So far: only blame-shifting - no credible explanation as to how any of these happened. We know how the World Trade Towers came down. (The Halliburton-installed sprinkler systems failed to work, no doubt.) Too many witnesses. Now we are asked to believe that Islamic terrorists had nothing to do with it. What was it then? Some kind of domestic overseas contingency operation? (Whatever ‘contingency’ or any word means anymore.) And before that, there had been any number of poorly explained plane crashes that were said to be ‘accidents’ even though in at least one of these the black box revealed someone yelling “Allah Akbar” as the aircraft plunged.

Then there was the government’s attempt to blame the sinking of the Cheonan on a flock of birds. That one didn’t wash, but they nevertheless tried. Then there was the would-be Times Square bomber - a white guy who didn’t like health care reform. The list of attempted deception goes on and on.

The Deepwater Horizon disaster has been handled similarly. (The Halliburton- installed sprinkler systems failed to work.) We don’t know the cause. None of the survivors have been publicly interviewed. In fact, it almost seems like a news blackout is in effect.

I happened to be at a local 7/11 yesterday. A woman came in with a toddler. She let him run around the store while she was making coffee for herself. The toddler brushed up against a shelf of pickle jars. One of these dislodged, fell to the floor and broke. Both, woman and child froze. Gathering herself, she looked down at the child and shouted. “Now look what you’ve done! Pick that up right away!”

Enuff said.

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