Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Animal Farm

Since the early beginnings of our welfare state, we have come to view our presidents as father figures. There are two basic approaches to disciplining one’s child. One is to enforce respect; the other is love. There is no greater psychological damage that accrues to human beings than from the sense that their father does not love them. Such lack of love can range anywhere from benign neglect to outright abuse.

Barack Hussein Obama does not love America. We all sense it. Whether we tend to remain largely unconcerned about our political realities or invest a great deal of our emotion in the political process, the statements and policies of our current administration to date have been so egregious as to demand our attention. For most people, both on the right and the left, there is now a sense of being abused.

This factor alone will drive the midterm November elections. These can be expected to send anyone who is perceived as being aligned with the president down to defeat. Will it be enough to curb Obama’s leftist ambition? I seriously doubt it. By that time Obama will have accumulated enough regulatory power to be able to override anything that Congress may demand. He will double down and press ahead with his agenda as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. In fact, he should find the going even easier because he will now be able to blame his failures on the Congress (as he has blamed the previous administration all along).

Obama has a grand, audacious vision. A divided and dysfunctional Congress will not likely rise to the occasion and present an even greater vision to counter his. Expect only a sharp increase in meaningless chatter, finger pointing, and the clucking of forked tongues while Obama forges ahead in remaking our nation.

If the Congress should desire to make a real change (as I feel it must in order to save both itself and us), it will have to immediately deal with the issue of impeachment. Obama has already shredded his parent card several times over - and we all know it.

A couple of weeks ago, my daughter went to an animal shelter to adopt two kittens. She was required to give two references of people willing to swear that she is fit to take care of her pets. Unfortunately, no such precaution exists re new parents or American presidents.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding, and very insightful, Mr Koelliker. I have enjoyed reading your comments regarding briefs from the John Batchelor Show. In your list of favorite music you accidentally left out J J Cale, John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers, and Sonny Landruth. (HA)
