Sunday, July 18, 2010


If you put 10 people into a room and keep them there for a week, they’d likely part friends and send each other holiday greetings for years to come. If, on the other hand, you keep those same people in separate rooms and sow suspicion, you’d have the makings of a war.

It is the natural inclination of individuals to make allowances and try to get along - provided that they see each other face to face. Obama knows this. POTUS must split up the population into separate rooms - rich/poor; black/white; old/young; etc. The Left knows this. In order to see their agenda through, they must start a war. Chaos. The Islamists know this. In order to establish a Caliphate, they must divide the world into believers and infidels.

The walls they erect are ideological. They know that people are more likely to breach political borders than ideological ones. This is why all the emphasis and strict enforcement of the various ‘isms’.

No one strictly adhering to ‘isms’ is safe, however - even from themselves. The tensions have to come from within. It is AQ’s immutable formula to maintain its psychological advantage within every human heart. As such it sows fear in the West and the illusory enthusiasm of broadly defined ‘victory’ among its own. Thus, every human heart is forced to decide whether to yield to its fear or its hatred.

Getting back to the room containing ten people: Suppose now that one (of the ten) is seen in the corner quietly building a bomb. The rest would immediately halt their comfortable speculation about LeBron’s future or Opra’s collapsing ratings and take care of business. We have seen this happen several times within the confined spaces of aircraft. (United Flight 93 among others.)

Barack Hussein Obama is building a bomb. The fact that we do nothing to stop him means that we have been divided up and shunted into separate rooms. …while the bomber proceeds unimpeded in obdurate pursuit of his post-apocalyptical vision.

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