Monday, July 19, 2010


I don’t know why we continue to take anything Biden says seriously. The man is (and has always been) perfectly comfortable in spouting gaffes and contradictions. Ironically, he represents the only window of transparency the current administration has to offer. From this episode alone, we learn Obama’s political strategy going forward: blame Republicans.

Will it work? No. Still, it amounts to a strategy. As long as Republicans exist they can expect to perform the role of catchall for every Democrat failure past, present and future.

It is now quite obvious to most that current policies have sent our nation into a tailspin. Why would Democrats continue - not only to pursue such policies, but - to actually double down on same? One way to look at it is that the Dems are truly misguided. They see what their policies have done but refuse to take note. Therefore they propose even more poison as a cure for a man who has already been poisoned. The truth of the matter is that Republicans have been unable to do anything to stop the Dems because they have lacked the votes. Neither have they spoken out against, and even that very softly. Democrats have pretty much had free run of the political barnyard.

What has evolved from a nagging suspicion to utter conviction for many, is that the deficit, joblessness, the growing racial divide among other (what are commonly regarded as negative) seemingly permanent features that have emerged since Obama took office, are all part of a deliberate plan to reduce America’s power and influence on the world stage. This effort has been long underway, spearheaded by prominent organizations such as the UN and by a coalition of countries that have previously been regarded as America‘s ‘enemies’. Now, many observers believe, it’s also happening from the inside.

The ‘change’ [as in the now (in)famous 'remaking of America'] as promised by Obama during the campaign has taken on an ominous tone. Few still believe that Barack Hussein Obama is merely inept. The evidence now overwhelmingly shows that he is exceedingly cunning and singularly committed to a vision that the American people want no part of.

Read Mary O’Grady’s article on Nicaragua in the Wall Street Journal this morning. Substitute ‘America’ for ‘Nicaragua’ and ‘Obama’ for ‘Ortega’ and you will discover astounding parallels. Republicans appear to be happy just watching the poll numbers. They might just find that a year from now it no longer matters.

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