Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Resurrection of Michael Mann

Mann, after seeing himself totally discredited, suddenly realizes that all is not lost. The intelligentsia, the powerful, the establishment, the irascible ueber-elite still support him. They do so, perhaps, in the attempt to mitigate the embarrassment of having been duped. Or by an unwillingness to abandon what they have long considered to be one of the indispensable tenets that supports their nihilism. Even as Mann sees popular support eroding, he has confidence that political realities have progressed sufficiently toward autocracy in which simple (and, in this particular case, blatantly false) declarations hold sway.

Mann must feel as a man reborn to serve a higher cause; one, that can no longer be said to be dominated by the mere search for truth. At the time, nobody foresaw what Obama meant when famously proclaimed in his inauguration speech, “We will restore science to its rightful place…”. Now we know. Science was to become merely a tool - not to beat back the frontiers of ignorance, but - to advance political agendas.

The agenda is to underline that America from its inception has always been wasteful and corrupt; so much so, in fact, as to deserve being knocked down a peg or two; that America’s illegitimate wealth must now be taken away and shared with others, worldwide. The theory of ’climate change’ was to be the narrative that draws it all together and justify the outright theft of our nation.

Back when Dan Rather made up stories about Bush’s military service in order to discredit him, the excuse was that the spirit of the broadcast segment remained essentially on point: that the president is and had always been an ignorant and lazy bum. Dan was made to retire because of this. Today, even the pretense of accurate reporting seems to have slipped by the wayside.

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