Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Musical Chairs

“There are times when you put elections aside; this is one of those times.”

Lovely thought, coming from our president. Reminds of the children’s game, ‘Musical Chairs'. Reminds of ‘the day (when) the music died’ and Republicans were left standing. Now, the only way any Republican can secure a seat is to share it with a Democrat.

The spirit of the game always assumed that the music would start up again shortly. This time it hasn’t - and won’t. In any case, whether or not the music starts up again won’t matter much because all the chairs have been taken away. Why even bother to crank up the ancient gramophone? The Democrat president is safely ensconced. Our problems overwhelm us. Elections only complicate matters.

Remind, we are only one incident away from postponing or cancelling elections altogether. They’re already out there probing for a suitable excuse. This thing is far bigger than any one individual. It’s a movement with its grip firmly planted on the levers of power. They’ve already got the main attraction, Hillary, standing in the wings.

The other day, over dinner, my son and I got to talking - but not in the usual sense. We made up some sundry names and places, and ascribed to these various improbable histories. Eventually, we inserted these fictions into normal conversation which yielded hilarious results. We dissolved into uproarious laughter, made even more irrepressible by the presence of my elderly mother who takes no pleasure in such utterly baseless frivolity. I let it go on. There’s so little cause for laughter these days.

We resolved to let my daughter in on the joke, but not before Wikipedia had legitimized our invention with an actual entry.

This got me to thinking: Could it not also work the other way around? Would it not be possible to abstain from mentioning certain irksome characters for a while? Would these then simply fade away and leave the field open for our fictional characters to develop lives of their own? I was thinking of our president and his circle of irascible hacks to whom we continue to sacrifice so much print - so much time; so much (often wasted) creativity - to no discernable advantage.

I, for one, have decided to give it a try. I stated a new blog entitled "SIDE STREETS", devoted exclusively to travel. In it I resolve never to mention the name 'Barack Hussein Obama' even once.


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