Saturday, July 31, 2010

The American Revolution

I find it fascinating that much of what I have been saying has come true - or, at least, there are now others out there saying the same thing. The latest example is Ernest Christian’s and Gary Robbins’ perspective entitled ‘Will Washington’s Failures Lead Second American Revolution?' on

The title caught my eye in that several interpretations are possible. The article did not disappoint in this regard. It did, however, gloss over the muck of revolution, touting the now entirely probable November midterm results as the cleanest of all the possible outcomes. Unlike our first revolution, however, the article acknowledges that it is unlikely to topple King Geobama (sic).

And this is precisely what I’ve been stressing as well: that the mistake we made back in November 2008 will yet cost us a great deal; that it will yet take several election cycles to turn the corner, much less recover. And even so, the die may already have been cast and the only benefit to us may well amount to no more than having become aware.

Neither is it appropriate to blame Obama for all our ills. Where we now find ourselves has been long in coming. In fact, we owe Barack Hussein Obama a debt gratitude for having uncovered the plot for us. McCain - like Bush - would likely have continued to keep us in the dark.

Cat Stevens wrote in “Tuesday’s Dead”: ‘If I make a mark in time - Then I can say the mark is mine - (When, in fact) I’m only the underline…' Obama is and always has been ‘the underline’. He is not original; he is not historic (as he likes to boast). If he were, he would have the American people behind him. He does not. Therefore, his revolution is not a revolution. It is a coup. The revolution is yet to come, and it will be an American revolution.

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