Friday, April 22, 2011

Guest Contributer: Tom From NJ: WHO?

With every passing day, Obama's hopey-changey smiley-mask slips to reveal the stone-cold Third World socialist dictator-wannabe we always knew was lurking under there. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn where The Bamster was born. All I know -- thanks to "Dreams From My Father" -- is that he grew up in a toxic milieu of Third World "anti-colonialism" and dime-store Marxism so that he has long desired to undermine and destroy the Anglo-American system of democratic politics and free-market economics that Third World radicals like his Daddy have always blamed for poverty and "inequality" in the world. Later on, the Community Organizer Obama, all grown-up, then found the same sort of hard-left toxic milieu to wallow in when he landed in Chicago to team up with Rev. Wright, Fr. Fleger, and Dr. and Mrs. Bill Ayers.

So, the destruction of the Anglo-American system is exactly what the Anointed One is attempting right now and has been up to all along during his otherwise incomprehensible presidency (remember his tossing that bust of Churchill out the door of the WH on Day One?). With that strange track record to defend -- or, more likely to fudge, with MSM help as usual -- POTUS is already campaigning for re-election with a brutal, brass-knuckle vengeance, arrogance, and disregard for truth that must have Hugo Chavez grinning and nodding with familiarity and approval.

Some of the latest Obama outrages are: (1) Lying like hell to demonize Paul Ryan's budget plan while offering no plan of his own except even more demented spending (More cowbell, more cowbell! for you veteran SNL fans); (2) Trying to direct the critically important energy debate, especially in regard to soaring gasoline prices, away from The Bamster's own anti-US energy policies to focus on the same old flyblown, demagogic charges of "price gouging" by the oil companies and unidentified "speculators," an open-ended witch-hunt to be led by The Bamster's personal stooge and unprincipled get-whitey goon, Eric Holder; (3) Waging endless and unfocussed war in the sand-traps of Libya and the rock-piles of Afghanistan to prove that POTUS - our National Egghead - is in reality a Chicago tough-guy, which amounts to the most cynical and foredoomed wastage of our human and material military resources imaginable, especially since Obama rarely before registered any positive opinions, interest in, or knowledge about our fabulous armed forces, the very instrument of America's alleged crimes against the sainted Third World.

The point is that the 2012 campaign -- already on -- is no time for business-as-usual politics because Barack Obama must -- MUST -- be denied a second term if America is to survive in a form even remotely resembling her historic, exceptional greatness. In short, failure cannot be an option. So who should the GOP field to challenge POTUS? Still too early to say, but some criterion standards might be emerging, because time is starting to run short. So who is directly engaging Obama right now, and doing so without fear? Who has the name ID and financial resources to be taken seriously? Who has credibiity with the Tea Party, the real driving force of the GOP today? Who can realistically claim expertise/experience in one or more of the most significant issues currently confronting our nation?

Based on these criteria -- not an exhaustive list -- I have to say that the GOP ought to be able to cobble together a strong campaign from among Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, and Sarah Palin; even if the latter provides speechifin' support rather than running herself. Don't like these names too much? OK, fair enough. But what are the alternatives? If I'm wrong, and we can't answer that last question together, Obama will win again, and America loses.

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