Saturday, April 16, 2011

In Quest of the Prize Pig

It’s obvious that Mr. Obama does not fear elections. He intends on muscling through. How exactly he sees ‘muscling through’ is anybody’s guess. It obviously does not involve moving to the center. It seems to me that Obama’s strategy has been set as far back as when he first started promoting the health care bill. In fact, he now seems more determined than ever to muscle his leftist agenda through.

The results of the midterm election made no difference. This proves that Mr. Obama is not a political animal. He is purely ideological. I suspect, even, that he fully intends to be president after 2012; but that he would never be willing to sacrifice his agenda for the sake of his own political popularity. This gives him an edge over anyone still mired in pre-Obama politics.

Here’s the rub: How does he expect to be reelected given his low approval ratings? The answer is obvious: There won’t be elections in 2012 …or ever. Something will happen between now and then that will preclude this wasteful expenditure.

What we are seeing now are the dress rehearsals for the final act; simply going through the motions of running various campaigns, solely for public consumption. The Republicans are placated by the expectation of winning the prize pig. Along the way they will tear themselves apart. The Dems will blame them for anything that either stalemates or goes wrong. Their own base will draw and quarter them for being unable to stop Obama’s agenda - while the Left grudgingly applauds, barely being able to contain themselves. (The Left too will lose its status in the 'new world order' where left and right are the same).

Even in a clean and fair election, Republicans will enter the arena looking small and spent. Add to this mix the likely entry of a third party candidate, and the Republicans are toast.

Obama reelected would buy us time. I’ve said many times that if McCain had won, we would already be seeing the worst - as is now happening in Greece. With Obama at the helm, the Left still sees an advantage in keeping its powder dry. A Republican sweep in 2012 would literally ‘unleash the dogs‘ (to turn a phrase). I believe that those highest on the food chain know this. (McCain knew it.) They know that reelecting Obama will be the best among a whole series of bad options for us.

Obama knows it too. That’s why he struts around, looking so smug. He knows he can’t be touched. He’s simply there as a cutout for those whose phone calls he takes (or meets with across the street from the White House).

Bush knew it. That’s why he won’t say anything. He’s happy to no longer be a part of it; thankful that history has let him off easy.

Elections will no longer play a pivotal role in American politics. We’ve heard it from no less than the lips of the former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (while speaking of ‘shared values’ at Tufts University earlier this week).

“Shared values” indeed! Whose values? Based on what? I guess we’ll just have to wait till it happens. Then we’ll know what’s in it.

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