Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Articles of Faith

Man-made ‘global warming’ has assumed the status of a state religion for many Americans. Michael Mann is one of its high priests; Al Gore is pope. It fills the need of some to identify some part of themselves with the eternal, which was dashed when TIME magazine announced that God was dead. The new religion comes complete with sins (littering); sacraments; (abortion); proselytizing; dietary rules; salvation and apocalypse. The key here is ‘man-made’. It links devotees directly with the godhead. As such, thousands of strictures are observed and rituals performed in the hope of mitigating the original sin of audacious existence. Non-believers are looked down on as heretics.

The rise of this religion has followed a well trodden path. Our educational system has been used to indoctrinate - much like the madrassahs of Pakistan and Yemen. There is a militant element that stems from the uncertainty arising from the fear of unmasking. For the moment, believers can take comfort in the knowledge that their president is one of them – as it should be. It is they who installed him to the highest office in the land.

Obama too is a disciple. He represents the religion’s political arm. As long as he holds on to political power they are safe. The fact that ‘global warming’ has been exposed as a hoax holds no sway. Many books have been written questioning the authenticity of the historical Jesus. Still, Christians believe and will continue to do so.

Global warming’ devotees do not necessarily delude themselves even if it were to come out that every scrap of science supporting it is proven false. They have put aside reason. For them it’s an article of faith; a shorthand for the human condition as they perceive it. They believe in the fallen man for whom there can be no redemption. They believe in the apocalypse in which all is destroyed – unless they can convince (or force) the others (those who were not chosen) to adopt what they deem as right.

The earth is their God. Their leaders are priests. Should any one of these be shamed or in any way diminished by infidels, they will run and sharpen their knives. Should one of their oracles be killed, it will be said he was martyred.

The rank and file is not the problem. They are delusional and weak. It is those who use them to fulfill their own tyrannical ambitions; those who send them out on crusades and suicide missions who must be closely watched.

‘Global warming’ is here to stay. So far, it has defied the separation of church and state. So far, its growth has been spurred without raising suspicion. The danger to the rest of us should have become apparent by the reluctance to let it pass; to give it up; to persist as if the University of East Anglia e-mails had never been made public. Even now, the U.S. government is pursuing cap and trade legislation. Something else is behind it. Too much has been invested in this hoax to stop it dead in its tracks. And yet, it’s only a part of a far greater hoax (that started with Marx), one more attuned to human greed and the lazy desire to control everything.

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