Friday, April 16, 2010


If anyone still thinks that Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) and ODS are the same, you are out of your mind. Be that as it may, the time has come for us to step back, lie low and avoid the trap that is being set for us. Bill Clinton let the cat out of the bag today by exposing the Democrat strategy of provoking the opposition (us) into doing something stupid. Clearly, none of the Tea Party events so far have been violent. What violence there might have been was manufactured out of whole cloth or perpetrated by the Left.

The media is waiting breathlessly for something to happen and run with it. In addition, they, along with the Obama administration, are fanning the flames. It’s a far cry from Bush telling everybody to stay calm after 9/11. Bush worked tirelessly to avoid conflict within our increasingly polarized nation – even at his own expense. Obama is doing just the opposite. Why?

He is looking for any excuse to declare a national emergency and postpone November elections. Do not doubt me. He is not above orchestrating an ugly event. I suggest you attend no more rallies. Talk show hosts: get off of your soap boxes and play soothing music for the duration. Bloggers, take a breath. Be secure in the knowledge that the American people are up to speed. There’s nothing constructive anyone can do now to turn this thing around.

Come November, we will start with Congress. If we can win majorities, we can move to impeach this dangerous president. Don’t blow it. Don’t give him an excuse to rob us of the one chance we have to put him back among the loyal opposition. November may well be the last chance we’ll ever have of taking our country back.

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