Friday, April 9, 2010


Not so fast! Gingrich may have a point. Government shutdown may well be the only answer at this point. It may end up being chaotic. It would send the press howling; the unions demonstrating; the rabble throwing bricks, but who can predict at this point that chaos can be avoided? It’s gone too far already. We have been speeding towards our financial and subsequent political abyss at breakneck speed for more than a year. We’re almost there now. Personally, I think we’ll reach there well before November. No Dem can hope to win without it. You can bet your socks Obama and the Dems are working on something right now. Whatever it is, it will be duly trumpeted and endorsed by the state-controlled media. It will be portrayed as a ‘crisis’ that only the smartest men (Obama, et al) on earth can solve. Elections postponed.

Outrage among the public will build to a fever pitch. Despite what The New York Times says, the people will not believe that the ‘crisis’ is anything other than manufactured for Obama’s benefit. They will have been pushed beyond the edge of reason as they see their only chance for retribution slipping away. This is when the real crisis starts: the revolution.

Now, it is still possible that the Dem’s timetable will not be met – not before November anyway; that Obama will somehow be denied a reason to postpone elections and (in effect) declare a national emergency. This is where Newt comes in. Republicans will have a majority in both houses of congress. They will have the power to shut down government. It will be their only power. It would effectively stop Obama who would presumably still be in office for the next two years.

I believe most Americans would support a government shut-down. They would understand that no governing can take place for as long as Obama remains in office. Most would understand that the runaway train simply has to be stopped, even if just inches away from the washed out bridge; that there will be a need afterwards for some time in which to reflect, gather thoughts and steady nerves; that they had been granted a reprieve – however brief – but a reprieve nonetheless.

Two consecutive years of gridlock governance will be a hell in itself. It’ll require a hunkering down and waiting out the storm. Perhaps, the troops will be withdrawn from overseas and charged with keeping the peace here at home. (On whose orders?) Perhaps the president will be impeached. More troops. Which side will the military take? Will there even be sides to take?

In November, God willing, the train will be stopped. Time will have been bought. What happens next is critical. It will do no good to compromise on this and that and let the train creep forward. The bridge is still out. As long as Obama and his gang are still in office, they can be counted on to sabotage any bridge repairs. Can we afford to lose another two years of governance? Actually, with this bunch in office, we can’t afford to win.

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