Thursday, April 8, 2010

Australopithecine Discovery

Mankind: “Inevitable”; “accidental”? What difference does it make? Just because we’ve learned to write and add and think in linear fashion, we think we’re better than all creation. It speaks to our almost pathetic parochialism. It makes us susceptible to the call of the snake oil salesman who promises utopia, immortality, global warming and who knows what. True, we’ve managed to survive long enough to evolve. To what end? To become entrenched victims of ourselves? To deny the greater power that so obviously sustains us? To debase the significance of our external organs? To think we can manage alone?

Man’s arrogance – based on ignorance – continues to astound me. I don’t quell when a tree is cut down to build a house or a guitar. I don’t swoon at the thought of eating meat. I trust in the laws that govern the universe, the natural cycles of history, the rise and fall of empires; the boom and bust of economies. And I am awed by all of it. Even if I should find myself caught in the destructive end of a cycle, I can hardly complain, knowing that I have been privileged to witness the birth of new shadows. I now know why Hindus worship the cow.

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