Friday, April 23, 2010

White Elephants

Yesterday, Barack Hussein Obama went to Wall Street. It reminded me of a king surveying yet another of his now long list of conquests. Though there was some grumbling among the assembled, an overall willingness to play along was clearly evident as everyone there recognized that power had effectively shifted from New York to Washington.

Now the president’s plan for his own re-election bid is slowly beginning to emerge. No doubt November will sweep record numbers of new faces into our legislative branches. These will blush like new brides at having been afforded control over the various fiefdoms the president (along with his Democrat majority) has managed to carve out. In the euphoria of the moment, they will fail to recognize that these are merely “white elephants", designed to keep them busy and off the president’s back. They will fail to reverse the fortunes of the various enterprises that have fallen under government control.

Come 2012, the public will note that nothing has essentially changed; that the country as a whole continues to spiral into the abyss. Only this time, Obama will see to it that Republicans get the blame. …and he will be re-elected overwhelmingly.

Internationally, POTUS clearly has the last word. He is not now and has never been a friend of Israel. I would not be surprised if it were ever found that the Sunday bulletins at Rev. Wright’s church had on occasion featured maps of the Middle East with Israel missing. Aside from the Palestinians, there are many within our own country (and some within Israel itself) who want to see Israel gone. Even those with no strong opinions concerning the matter are being quietly led to accept the notion that if Israel were to disappear, all would be right with the world.

Obama is one of those who harbor an all-consuming hatred of Israel and all she stands for: capitalism, sovereignty, the ability to protect herself – and, above all, religion. These, in leftist and Islamic circles, are considered the four evils of the apocalypse that must be made to heel before peace and salvation can be unleashed upon the world. It is the point at which Islam and communism join forces and strive toward a common Utopia.

With regard to Israel: Rather than wielding the hammer himself, Obama is quite willing let others do it. He will not stand in the way.


  1. Somebody noticed that Obama's use of "Wall Street" is a clever deception. So now we're demonizing a small area of New York.

    "Wall Street" is something simple the liberals can understand. It's supposed to bring up an image of the Monopoly guy (top hat, monocle, cane) that represents the true Evil of Capitalism.

    And it's a heck of a lot easier than droning on about things like financial derivatives.

  2. So right, ZZ! Obama is a man with a ball peen. It's much harder to build than it is to destroy. I thought about it again when I went to MoMA a couple of weeks ago. I tried to get my head around how long it took any given artist to get his stuff to be exhibited there - not to mention the time it took to paint his canvases. Imagine how fast a guy with an exacto knife could put it all to ruin.
