Friday, April 2, 2010

Hell No; We Won't Go!!!

Let me say it again: No Democrat will be elected or reelected to office in November. Obama has poisoned the field. There will be exceptions, of course. But these will be few and far between. People who vote are now fully engaged and aware of the threat to our nation. Obama himself can make light of it, glibly pointing out that meteors have not struck the continent since he's been in office. The press can comfortably ignore the ramifications of allowing the Democrats to continue flaunting their contempt for the Constitution in word and action. Jerry-rigged numbers will no longer convince the un- and underemployed that we are heading in the right direction.

Obama's message has gotten out alright. Simply put, it is that he despises the America of pre-Obama days. By extension, he can be expected do his level best to see to it that we will never be able to return to that America (I am paraphrasing Michelle).

Here are some hard facts to consider: Whereas there have been no meteor strikes on the continent, our situation has not improved as promised. Internationally, there are troubles brewing on the horizon - specifically in the Middle East. While it is true that most Americans have difficulty locating other countries on a map, our traditional enemies have not softened their hostile stance toward us. Even our traditional allies are now raising concerns. Also here at home, divisions have only deepened. Unemployment is still unacceptably high. The private sector is under constant assault. Taxes are becoming oppressive. Racial frictions have not diminished. People who have never protested before have felt compelled to come out into the streets to voice their displeasure with the way things are going.

Never once has the president come out to assure the nation. In fact, he and his surrogates have been all too eager to fan the flames of discontent, accusing practically anyone who disagrees with his policies of racism, the only other explanation – implausible as it sounds - still credible to support a dearth of progress. It is a diversion of course; one, that ignores the blatantly obvious observation that the people of America elected Obama - a person of color - to the highest office in the land.

Even the canard of inexperience or incompetence is beginning to wear thin, leaving increasing numbers of Americans to conclude that what is currently being done by our government is not to fix, but to destroy.

Neither have Republicans escaped the nation’s misgivings entirely. Republicans are seen as having been complicit in creating our current mess. When Republicans had their chance, they failed to take a decisive lead, always caving in to Democrat’s shrill demands that have now brought us to the edge. While it is true, that Republicans are routinely ignored or mischaracterized by the media, they have failed to convincingly articulate an alternative. Conventional wisdom now has it that whereas Democrats are sending us into the abyss at hyper speed, Republicans would do the same, only at a much slower pace. There has never been any serious discussion about halting our descent, much less about changing course entirely.

Yet, course changes are in the offing. These have now been forced on us by circumstance. A new crop of leaders are now taking up the reigns. This is America. We will not allow ourselves to be marched into the ovens.

1 comment:

  1. The problem is, D's & R's alike, are in the same racket/business, GOVERNMENT.
    Why doesn't their collective budget ever tighten?

