Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fighting Back

Brad Manning has already become a hero - a martyr - for the anti-war Left. This group has separated itself from the “official” Left that is now in charge of Washington. It is yet another indication that the center (of the Left) cannot hold.

Today, Switzerland celebrates its National Day. The date (August 1st) was inspired by the signing of the Federal Charter of 1291. What is notable and widely acknowledged as being the essence of the Swiss nation is that is has been able to maintain its strict neutrality during times of global dispute. This is not to say that the individuals of this small, landlocked Alpine country do not have opinions about global issues and tensions. Neither are they reluctant to express their preference. During WWII, for instance, Hitler threatened to invade and occupy Switzerland as well. It had become a relatively tranquil center in which spies of all stripes could house their networks. Also, situated as it is at the crossroads of Europe, the Swiss made it clear that they were prepared to blow up their bridges, tunnels and passes should any foreign army set foot within its sovereign territory. In the end, the country was spared from the physical ravages of war.

As a child, I often crossed the border between Germany and Switzerland by train. Even I could clearly see the difference. By the 1950’s, Germany was not bad, if somewhat ragged at the edges. Switzerland, however, was pristine, almost as if every blade of grass had been carefully manicured.

Today, it is we the people who are blowing up our bridges, tunnels and mountain passes. It is we who are keeping Barack Hussein Obama from achieving his communist Utopia. We are denying him economic success by sitting on our hands and dragging our feet. We are not working, innovating, expanding. While he blames the system for its failures to create jobs, it is we who are singularly responsible for this. We are not victims. We are fighting this political interloper in the only way we can, by taking a passive-aggressive stance. It is far too soon for anyone to take over our country. We will send him and his cronies packing by denying them the considerable weight of our support. We can turn this thing around. And, when we do, we will continue as we have in the past and make this into a nation we can be proud of.

I attended the ceremonies yesterday in New York’s Central Park. There was wine and music and an abundance of good cheer. The flags of every Swiss canton were proudly displayed. There was raclette, potatoes, bratwurst and beer. The performing seals, however, stole the show.

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