Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Batchelor @ the Hard Rock

I cannot believe that Californians are still suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome. If true, it’s the only way to explain it - putting Democrats back in office. Carly Fioria is a survivor. That in itself should say it all. Boxer is a clinger. Whitman is a message. Brown is an antique.

This brings to mind something I had forgotten: Remember back when Rush Limbaugh lost his hearing? Can you imagine anything worse than for a radio host to lose hearing? Yet, he never missed a beat. True, those initial broadcasts right after his hearing loss were painful to listen to. (Someone had to transcribe what was said by his callers for him to read.) Still, it amounted to a magnificent display of pure will.

Last night at the Hard Rock was equally inspiring. Surely John’s job is a lot more difficult than how he made it seem. I was especially pleased to find myself in the same room as Malcolm Hoenlein. Larry Kudlow was better than he is on his own show, and Monica and Margaret graced the stage with their beauty and intellect.

I had expected something far more informal. McCotter doing a guitar solo, perhaps; or Sapientia taking a bow. None of that. It was professional all the way. BRAVO, John!

We’ll have to do it again!


  1. Loved it. Listened only until 11:00 when the day's work took its toll (but then I heard a noise that sounded like the rattle of the pasture gate, so my husband lovingly volunteered to go out in the rain to check on the sheep, which kept us up another half hour or so). The crowd sounded very enthusiastic. It was catching.

  2. What a lovely life you lead! I envy you in some ways. I remember growing up in a small town at the southern fringe of the Black Forest. There were only three cars in town: One belonged to the doctor; one to the ‘millionaire‘; and one to the taxi driver. I remember taking the cows out into the field; roasting potatoes in the dying embers of an outdoor fire; flying kites, and picking ripe fruit off the trees and eating it. We had no television and heat came from a potbellied stove. On high holy days, I remember being the first one in the parade through town, feeling proud to be the one chosen to carry the cross. Next stop: New York City.

    I am currently reading a whole series of novels about rural Indian (India) life. There are some excellent authors that can now be read in translation.
