Friday, October 29, 2010


I’m wondering what John means by ‘over the top’ regarding the above video clip from "The Final Act". Does he mean it overstates the point? Or, is he referring strictly to ‘over the top’ cinematic production methods? I suspect the latter.

This brings up the question: Is it possible to overstate anything? There would need to be a top after which ‘overstate’ becomes ‘understate‘. In this particular case, the difference might be put down to fluff, hype, uncertainty or self-indulgence.

More to the point: Have we overstated the (widely expected) ‘wave’ for dramatic effect? Maybe; maybe not. Have we overstated Obama’s immediate menace to our nation, whether due to incompetence or deliberate intent? No.

The curatorial observer will note that it comes out to the same. He will speculate that the results of the November midterms will likely cause the president to take stock and recalibrate. Yet, from what we know of the current administration, it will not. In fact, it will likely double down on forcing its agenda through, in which case the difference between incompetence and deliberate intent becomes crucial.

The former can accommodate a realignment (of policy) while the latter cannot. If the latter is true, we can expect further deterioration in every sector across the board. There will emerge a need to obfuscate, obscure and shut down debate. This would translate into censorship and something akin to psychiatric re-education camps where language is redefined to suit. It would have to be done at the point of a gun.

Don’t laugh. It’s happened before - elsewhere. Is America still immune to ‘elsewhere‘?

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