Saturday, October 23, 2010

Quotable, Quotable Quotes

People, especially pols, do so much talking, yet it’s so hard to remember what anybody might ever have said. We only remember a precious few quotes precisely; quotes, that have risen, or are in the process of rising, to achieve the status of bone (sic) fide ‘quotable, quotable quotes‘. Here are a few that come immediately to my mind:

Obama: “They talk about me like I’m a dog.” My comment: Not true, most Americans love dogs. It’s Muslims who don’t.

Bill Clinton: “I have never had sex with that woman...” My comment: It depends what the definition of ‘sex’ is.

Boxer: “I worked so hard to get that title.” My comment: You certainly did.

Bush: “Mission Accomplished”. My comment: He never said it.

Michelle Obama: “Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual…” My comment: We’ll see about that.

Former Governor of NJ, Jim McGreevey: "My truth is that I am a gay American." My comment: So what?

Mayor Michael Bloomberg: …"[h]ome-grown, maybe a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health care bill." Notice mention of the term ‘mentally deranged’. We’ve heard some variation of it ever since. They mean to divide the nation into nuts and bolts. Government-run re-education facilities are on their way.

Soros: “Even I Can’t Stop a Republican ‘Avalanche‘…” My comment: Do you really want to?


  1. The proper response to "I am a gay American," is "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

    I don't think Pelosi will ever live down: "We have to pass the bill, so that you can find out what is in it." My comment: We found out, Nancy. Bye, bye, Ms. Speaker Of The House.

  2. This blog is homophobic. How sad.

  3. Anon - Please explain. Don't just 'hit and run".
