Monday, June 7, 2010

Erebus and Terror

At this point, what's in it for BP to fix this thing? Zip. What's in it for POTUS to fix it? Zip. They’re both on the same page (but for different reasons). Obama can now comfortably proceed with his no-growth agenda while Heyward is hung out to dry. The Gulf will recover. BP will not.

I read somewhere that Heyward could exit with a substantial golden parachute. He could go to New Zealand and have his life back. Unless, of course, Holder has him extradited to The Hague and tried as a world-class criminal. Anything is possible these days. Before the East Anglia e-mail scandal broke there was talk about treating ‘global warming’ skeptics on par with Holocaust deniers. After it all fell apart, what was left for these folks to do? Answer: GIGANTIC OIL SPILL.

What we have yet to broach is (and this is critical) How did it happen? ‘Why’ seems another word struck from our pc no-fault lexicon – replaced by ‘accident’ or ‘Act of God’, presumably the same God who kept Obama from saying things he doesn’t believe in at Memorial Day services in Chicago. I hear the weather at Arlington was just fine.

Clearly, our country is suffering through an accelerating litany of disasters, each benefiting only one man; only one cause. It makes me suspicious. Heyward’s best bet is to just sit back and let the Obama administration destroy itself. Obama’s best bet is to keep grabbing power. What Heyward and the rest of the country don’t yet seem to realize is that, far from weakening our current president, disasters (foreign or domestic) only tighten the noose that’s already around our collective necks.

Erebus (the darkness) was born of Chaos. Erebus went on to sire Hemera (goddess of day) and Aether (god of sky). So far so good. But he wasn’t finished. Cer (goddess of death) was next, followed by Oneiroi (god of dreams), Hypnos (god of sleep), his twin brother Thanatos (god of hell), Momus (god of satire), Nemesis ( goddess of revenge), and Charon, the ferryman who ferried the souls of the dead across the river Styx, to the land of the dead.

…and there’s our future all laid out for us to see,
as foretold in ancient Greek mythology.

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