Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gen. McChrystal vs. POTUS Obama

The apology tour continues on all fronts:

When Israel gave up Gaza to Hamas it left in place housing, greenhouses and fully functioning factories. The first thing Hamas did was smash all such infrastructure in the name of (victory) celebration.

The brouhaha that has erupted between POTUS and Gen. Stanley McChrystal is what normally happens between a professional (employer) and his or her less-than-dedicated novice underling. Only, in our upside down world (since Obama) the roles are reversed. McChrystal is the professional and Obama is the novice. McChrystal’s exposé in Rolling Stone was a cry for help. No way can we win a war with all these namby-pamby restrictions placed on our fighting men and women. Putting them out on the battlefield under such conditions is like signing their death warrants in advance. June is already the deadliest month ever for our soldiers in Afghanistan.

While conservative talk show hosts eagerly line up on every conceivable side of the argument in hopes of boosting the sales of their sex toy advertisers, our brave men and women are dying on foreign soil. McCrystal is a general’s general. His men are foremost on his mind. How can he be expected to explain the sacrifice of his fallen when he knows the exercise is essentially pointless; when we are merely treading water - already slated for withdrawal no matter what happens? We’re not even allowed to define ‘victory’ (or ‘enemy’) for God’s sake! In today’s world, it is no longer a general’s job to march his troops off a cliff just to demonstrate their loyalty to an egotistical, maniacal king.

No doubt, McCrystal also feels the reputation of the armed forces is on the line. Coming home without a clear victory to show for it is bound to signify yet another nail in the coffin of the once proud American military. No other president has used the military so recklessly; so dismissively; so reluctantly; so insufficiently. U.S. presidents in charge of wars from Vietnam through Iraq might have made tactical mistakes and then taken their just lumps. But no president, prior to Barack Hussein Obama, has dispatched American troops for (what now appears to be) the sole purpose of destroying his own military.

The pattern is clear: In order to rebuild America you first have to destroy every functioning piece of it. You have to destroy democracy, history, the economy, education, trust, religion, the press, industry, etc. The big thing that’s left is the military. No doubt, McCrystal sees the writing on the wall: The impossible mission; his troops hogtied, then accused. He will have no part in it.

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