Friday, June 18, 2010

The Takeover of America

At this point there is nothing the president can do to save himself or his party. Even embracing conservative policies, personally rolling back health care, building a 20 ft. razor wire fence along our entire southern border with Mexico, slashing tax rates across the board, disbanding the unions, plugging the hole, etc. would not return to him a single vote he has lost. Obama has revealed himself as far too left, too radical, too Muslim for the bulk of those who are seriously concerned and likely to vote. The same metric applies to all Democrats who have supported Obama all along.

November will serve as a big eye-opener for Democrats. It is now still possible that Obama and the Dems do not yet know how far their initial support has fallen. If they read The New York Times and watch MSNBC; or talk to pointy-head academics, they may well get the idea that they still have a chance. But, I hear, even the Jewish vote is seriously compromised.

I predict that Democrats will lose both the House and the Senate. Moderate Republicans also will be shown their walking papers. Republicans, as we speak, are planning to hire dozens of investigators to target Obama with an eye toward impeachment. Again, I predict, Obama will weather the storm, but he will find himself so tied up fighting to defend himself, that he will be unable to advance his agenda. Meanwhile the public will be mesmerized. Their bloodlust will be stoked.

Again, actual governing will come to a standstill. Obama is the third president in a row who will have reached this point. His hardcore support will at some point abandon him and call for his resignation. Hillary Clinton will assume de facto power.

The public will be dazzled and dazed by the dramatic action. Once again, they will take their eye off the ball. Note: Our nation’s lunge to the left will not in any way abate. Democratic governance will continue to erode. Strategically timed disasters here and there will facilitate the Left’s continued power grab. By the time 2012 rolls around, there will be so much chaos; there won’t even be a prayer of holding elections.

The takeover of America will be complete.

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