Thursday, June 3, 2010

Media Hype

In order to keep a nation from descending to the status of prison colony, it is essential for its people to be involved in governance. The Afghans seem to understand this. At the same time, they are highly suspicious of foreign influence in their domestic affairs. And that too is natural. Whoever came up with the idea of ‘changing hearts and minds’ and made it U.S. policy did us a great disservice. The best and only effective way to influence the course of events on foreign shores is to lead by example.

I’ll be the first to admit that our example has not been stellar. Since we installed the current administration, it has become painfully obvious that the voices of the rank and file have been systematically excluded from the national conversation. We have marched; we have attended town hall meetings; we have written letters, telephoned and e-mailed – and Washington never once acknowledged us. We have been made to feel that we no longer matter.

We’ve fought back. We’ve cancelled our subscriptions to state-controlled media in droves. Their financial plight has become obvious. Now, plans are being hatched to bail them out. At the same time, new regulations on media in general are being seriously considered. I think most people participating on this blog realize that the whole thing has Stalinist overtones.

It is interesting to note what has happened in Turkey. Most observers find it difficult to believe that Turkey has gone over to the dark side in the space of a single election cycle. Controlling the press was key. For months now, Turks have had saturation coverage promoting the idea that America went to war in Iraq in order to harvest body parts. Israel, of course, was in on the scheme.

What would you think if perky Katie Couric were to tell you nightly that Bush was an idiot? What would you think if Brian Williams were to tell you nightly that Barack Hussein Obama had come specifically to save the world? How would you feel if Bob Woodruff were to tell you nightly that the world’s glaciers are melting, the oceans are rising – and that it’s all your fault.

Yes, kids; we too have fallen for our share of hype. Some of us have come to feel comfortable with it; some have benefited from it financially; some have used it as a bludgeon; and some have used it as a reason to become cynical. Once government – any government – has got its hooks into media, we will have forfeited the right to lecture anyone about anything.

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