Sunday, June 6, 2010

We All Live In a Yellow Submarine

The spin machines are working tirelessly, producing a whole host of villains – no heroes yet. Blame-shifting proceeds unabated but has not yet produced the expected result – or has it? “Drill baby, drill!” is dead in the water. Gas prices are certain to rise, hammering yet another nail into the coffin of an economy already on life support. America will become more – not less - depended on imported oil. Thousands of American jobs lost - in energy, fishing and tourism. Billions lost to municipal tax collectors; unemployment benefits extended to last for the duration of the average human lifespan.

In our upside-down Obama world, all this could indeed amount to a positive sign from heavens: a reason to impose more crippling legislation; the rationale for choking off the life blood of our economy; a way to create more beggary, discord and chaos; a reason to clamp down hard on a populous that has been left dazed and confused with nowhere to turn.

Should five or ten years from now the magic bullet be found – the one that finally turns off the spigot - we will wonder why it hadn’t been thought of sooner. It is possible that we will see Barack Hussein Obama still hosting lavish parties at the White House with such luminaries as Paul McCarthy and Jay-Z in rapt attendance …and it will suddenly dawn on us(,) why.

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