Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Going For the Jugular

It’s been going on for years: the demonization of Big Oil by the Left – like Ahmadinejad promising Israel’s demise. Remember, ‘global warming’? The torching of SUV dealerships? Strictures against drilling. Instability in the Middle East. The list goes on and on. We now have a leftist president. Why would he now suddenly abandon one of the Left’s key tenets: the war on oil and all it represents: prosperity; capitalism; America itself?

Building the World Trade Center complex so high as to tower over the economic capital of the free world was largely symbolic. The attacks on it were symbolic as well, designed to rip the pride out of America’s heart. We have never recovered. It’s turned us into sniveling victims; forced us into taking a defensive stance. The red-green alliance has been hammering us ever since. Ten years later, symbolism is passé. Now they’ve graduated to going for the jugular: OIL.

Imagine a new neighbor has moved in next-door. One morning you go to work and you decide to use your wife’s car instead of your own. Later, your wife takes your car to go shopping. It blows up when she cranks the ignition.

You are grieving. In an apparent gesture of good will, your neighbor’s wife brings over a casserole. Your hands are no longer steady. You drop the dish, spilling its contents on the kitchen floor. The dog comes over and eats it. He goes into convulsions and dies – poisoned.

One night, your house catches fire and burns to the ground. You manage to save yourself by jumping out a window just in the nick of time.

At what point do you begin to suspect your neighbor of something?

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