Friday, August 13, 2010

Culture of Corruption

It looks like the ‘culture of corruption’ within the Democrat Party is coming home to roost. Both Rangel and Waters are right to insist on a public airing. They have done nothing that most of their Democrat colleagues haven‘t also done. Nancy Pelosi, for instance. What is surprising is that any of this has even come out. With the Dems in complete control of the process, I would have thought they could have kept it all under wraps. Who would have challenged them? Not Republicans. It speaks of a Democrat party in disarray; in self-destruct mode. The in-fighting has begun and will not end well.

For some time now, I have been alluding to the suspicion that one of this administration’s principal aims is to lay waste Congress in general - and, with it, any vestige of representative governance. Republicans have already shown themselves as woefully ineffective. It stands to reason that the next step is to strike the fatal blow against Democrats as well.

Case and point: Yesterday we witnessed the spectacle of the Senate in action. Sen. Charles Schumer of New York had the floor to himself as he and Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland held a special session to pass a $600 million border security bill which everyone agrees is inadequate. The Senate historian said it was the first time just two Senators passed a bill.

It was a nod to all those who are demanding action on the highly volatile immigration issue. Democrats, in effect, said, “You want a bill? Here’s a bill. Live with it.” The cavalier way in which this non-entity was passed goes along with how the House has been conducting business since the current administration has been in office. “You want it paid for? Fine. We’ll pay for it by raising the fees on H-1B visas which allow foreign workers to work in the U.S. All the bases are covered. Now let’s go home and continue with our summer vacations.”

Meanwhile in India there is much hand-wringing. Indians are well aware of how this small, seemingly throw-away gesture by Democrats affects them. Virtually every middle and upper class family has someone working in the U.S. Many of them can be expected to lose their jobs.

This is a huge issue for them, as well as a loss for us. Indians working here are well educated and highly trained. They fill a niche in any number of specialized fields in which Americans can and do not compete.

So, with yesterday’s throw-away gesture we’ve managed to turn a whole nation against us. Bravo Chuck Schumer, Ben Cardin, Democrats, Republicans, President Obama! You’ve done it again. This is not effective diplomacy. This is shoddy; grandstanding. This strikes at the very root of a nation - a nation that has heretofore been one of our most adoring allies.

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