Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Feingold exposes himself. He thinks businesses exist to provide jobs for people. Wrong answer. Businesses exist to make a profit. Oh I know, ‘profit’ is a dirty word for these socialist Dems. But it can’t be helped. No profit; no business; no jobs.

My wife edits American law books over in India. They can hardly keep up. So many laws are being passed; so many addendums; clarifications; directives. They’re hiring like crazy. It’s become a real boon for Indian outsourcing.

Question: Why can’t the editing be done here in America? I hear there’s joblessness right here at home. I suspect it’s the same reason the major print media is dying. They’ve forgotten how to write anything more substantive than rank propaganda. At least that much hasn‘t been outsourced yet.
A few threads ago, I mentioned the senseless beating death of Abelino Mazeriego in normally tranquil Summit, NJ. Since then there have been 11 attacks on Mexican day laborers on Staten Island, NY. (Staten Island can be seen from Summit.) Something sinister is going on - so much so, the Mexican government has become involved. The emphasis on the blogs has been on the outrage some feel over Mexican intrusion into our affairs. This morning, talk show host, John Gambling, discussed the issue with Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who seemed at a loss for an explanation. He promised to beef up patrols.

Given that the attacks all have the same MO, it is highly unlikely that it’s random. There’s something behind it. I would suggest that police search popular social network sites. It’s likely that a call went out promoting this kind of mayhem.

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